Happy Friday, everyone! I hope your week hasn't been as rainy as mine— it is pouring here in California! With a lot of time indoors, I have spent some extra time taking especially good care of myself. This week has been full of...
A few days ago I wrote this post about a few wellness changes I have committed to recently. This week I have been cooking and consuming a lot of nutritious and delicious greens. From my first foray into the world of green juice (I have been liking the pressed juices by SF-based brand Forager Project) to my continuing obsession with green veggies like brussels sprouts, broccoli and asparagus, I have noticed increased energy (and a flatter stomach) since I started eating these. Click here for my favorite brussels sprouts recipe of late, or check out all of my food obsessions at http://www.pinterest.com/couturistblog/food/.
I watched CNN's documentary Ivory Tower this week and absolutely loved it. It is a great comprehensive look at the US higher education system, and examines the question, "Is college worth the cost?," given the increase in college tuition over the last few decades. The film premiered at this year's Sundance Film Festival and was named one of the best documentaries of 2014 by Indiewire.
....at home spa treatments
This week I've been indulging in a few bubble baths, a lot of face masks and also trying out new nail colors. My favorite? Deborah Lippmann's "Single Ladies," an oxblood red that is the perfect fall shade.
... catching up on some zzzz
I have finally gotten into a pretty good sleep cycle and feel so good sleeping 8-10 (okay, sometimes 11) hours per night. I think this is in part to having a night time routine that begins after I eat dinner. I work on my blog, have something sweet (I am loving Justin's dark chocolate peanut butter cups) and then begin unwinding with a TV show, a warm bath and some reading. I have made a big effort to stop looking at my phone all the time and find that I sleep much better when I avoid it.
Have a great weekend!
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