My Fitness Routine

 via Google Images

From Kindergarten through 12th grade, I was always involved in some kind of physical activity— from soccer to dance to cross country. However in college, I didn't get involved in a team and stopped prioritizing working out. 

As it goes with most things, I didn't realize the benefits of working out until I stopped. I started missing the focus and mental clarity, self confidence, good sleep, reduced stress, endorphins and positive outlook that working out encourages. It usually takes me about 10 days of consistent physical activity to feel all of these benefits, but following a fitness plan that I change every three weeks keeps me challenged and motivated to achieve my health goals.

A resolution I made this month was to re-prioritize my health. I find that I am a happier, more pleasant person when I eat right, sleep well and work out. This is the current workout routine I am following:

I read this article about the benefits of beginning with strength training. For me, this means working on my arms and abs before I hit the elliptical, stationary bike or treadmill. I rotate the abs and arms workout every other day (I usually workout 6 days per week for an hour and a half, so three days per exercise). 

Arm Workout

Ab Workout

One Hour Elliptical Workout + Music
via Popsugar 

After my cardio, I stretch out with this routine:

In addition to this, I try to eat a generally balanced diet (fruits, veggies and french fries included) and sleep between 8 and 10 hours. I recently purchased a FitBit and will be posting a review of it later this month as I use it more often. 


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