Book Review: Me Before You by Jojo Moyes

via Jojo Moyes

During the interim between summer and fall terms, I've enjoyed reading a few recent works of fiction. One of my favorites is Me Before You by Jojo Moyes.

**Note: Spoiler Alerts!**

The novel tells the story of a girl named Louisa Clark who is hired as caretaker for Will Traynor, a formerly powerful businessman who was left paralyzed by a traumatic car accident. Lou treats moody Will with tough love, encouraging him to re-discover his life's meaning, eventually falling in love with his kind heart and intelligence, and finding herself no longer in love with her marathon-obsessed, attractive boyfriend. However, Will has plans of his own, throwing Lou for a heartbreaking loop.

This book is a great read for anyone who has enjoyed Matt Ridley's The Red Queen. It is an opposing narrative that re-evaluates what survival of the fittest, or more aptly attraction to the fittest, means as it re-defines what "fitness" actually is. Through her relationship with Will, Lou realizes that attraction in a relationship is not a biological response to physical fitness, but an emotional compatibility between two intellectually fit people. The narrative is a quick, easy read that sucked me in for a few hours during a long car ride, but its final plot twist is still at the forefront of my mind. 

I would recommend this book to anyone who loves a quirky, intellectual love story.

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