Happy weekend(er) readers! Here are my favorite things from the past seven days—

ONE // "Dressing Up The Brain"
via The Atlantic
This is a cool article from The Atlantic about the psychological impact of formal wear. As I make my way into the world of real-life employment and business attire myself, this is especially interesting!

TWO // Peter Thomas Roth Irish Moor Mud Purifying Mask
via Sephora

I tried out a new mask this week when I was unwinding at the end of a long day, and really enjoyed it. This mask is kind of a funky, rubbery texture but it leaves skin feeling so soft, and most importantly doesn't have the horrible, dry after-feeling that many other masks have. Shop it here at Sephora.

THREE // "Millenial Skin Care Products Are Here"
via Refinery 29

Refinery 29 posted an article this week about the rise in new skincare products aimed at 20- and 30-somethings. I have been using Origins' "Original Skin" product lately, which is marketed for changing skin types that haven't quite left the acne phase but don't need anti-aging product quite yet. I imagine  lactic and salicylic acids will be featured in many of these products, which are excellent ingredients for tackling both blemishes and aging! I can't wait to get my hands on some new products!

FOUR // "My 72 Self Absorbed Hours with the Apple Watch"
via The Cut

I really enjoy following New York Magazine's The Cut, their beauty and fashion section, because of articles like this. Rebecca Harrington gives readers a no-nonsense glimpse into a day-in-the-life of an Apple Watch wearer that is informative, hilarious and most importantly honest. While I'm not lining up to check out the watch myself, I do love reading a captivating product review (does this make me weird?).

FIVE // "One Twin Exercises, The Other Doesn't"
via NYT

As if you needed another reason to get to the gym, Gretchen Reynolds shared the latest findings about the benefits of exercise on NYT's Wellness blog. I had fallen off the cardio and strength training wagon for a little while (my only gym time was twice-a-week yoga sessions), but this week I started exercising daily again and feel so good. Within a day of cardio and strength, I notice a huge improvement in my stress levels, and within a few days I even notice a change in my body. Now, I just have to keep at it!


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