Resolutions for A New Year: 2014

Happy New Year's Eve!

In the words of Oprah, "Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right."
Yesterday, I posted about writing New Year's resolutions, and today I've decided to post what my actual resolutions are. I can honestly say I've been really struggling to come up with twelve different resolutions this year. My resolutions for 2013 were the best I had ever written, and they helped me have an incredible year. So as I was writing, I felt a little bit of pressure to do even better.

However, with a little inspiration from some friends, family and much internet research (true story), I think I've come up with some goals I want to achieve this year. Here they are:

January: Organization
I wanted to start out with a pretty easy and definitely attainable resolution this year: managing my room. When I'm at home, I am a complete neat freak, but ever since starting college, I find myself in such a rush to just get to class that I often leave a heap of clothes I thought about wearing on my bed or a slew make up scattered all over my dresser. So, this year I resolve to spend fifteen minutes every day (or night) cleaning up and choosing an outfit for the next day. This will really streamline my morning and possibly even give me enough time to grab a cup of coffee before class (yum!).

February: Love
This year's love resolution is going to be a little different than previous (read: single) years. In fact, I find coming up with a relationship resolution really challenging because I am in such a happy relationship. But everyone (read: I) always has some things to work on. Over the last few weeks, I've felt the reality of being in a long distance relationship set in (it's hard!). In 2014, I resolve to slow down and enjoy every moment of being together. This resolution isn't as specific as others I've made. However, it addresses one of the biggest challenges long distance relationships pose: impending separation. Focusing on the present together, rather than future times apart is a much better outlook.   

March: Health
I have a really weak immune system and am definitely prone to getting sick. However, there are a lot of things I could be doing to strengthen my immune system, namely cutting out soda. Therefore, I resolve to stop drinking Diet Coke (ugh) this year and drink water instead. Sugar (and artificial sweeteners) lowers your immune system defenses significantly. And, artificial sweeteners paired with carbonation majorly zap energy and can also cause breakouts (artificial sugar = inflammatory, yikes!). I know I will look and feel so much better by making this simple switch!

April: Travel
I'll be studying abroad in Italy this spring and am really excited about a new experience. However, I'm also a little nervous. I've always really struggled with accents and the idea of speaking a new language in a new country is admittedly daunting. I want to face this fear, so I resolve to throw myself into speaking Italian before and during my abroad program, regardless of how bad (or good!) my accent is. Ciao!

May: Friendship
I am so lucky that I have made a lot of great friends in 2013. I really want these friendships to last. However, many of my friends any I are studying abroad in different countries this year or go to different schools. In 2014, I resolve to check in with my friends at least weekly via email, Facebook, text message or some other form of social media. In the past, I have not done a great job of keeping in touch with my friends. Therefore, setting a weekly time (TBD based on my class schedule) to catch up on my friends' lives and share my life with them will make the distance easier and the friendship stronger.

June: Academics
I know June is a strange month to make an academic resolution. However, I will be taking classes over the summer at my university. Anyway, I have noticed a trend in my study habits the last few quarters: my productivity really declines after dinner. I guess I just get really tired and distracted when the sun starts going down! Therefore, I resolve to get the majority of my weekly work done before dinner and spend evenings working on long term assignments or relaxing.

July: Fitness
I used to work out all the time. Then sophomore fall happened. Between classes and joining a sorority and friends, there were a million things I'd rather be doing than spending time on the elliptical. And by this point, I've accepted that I walk around campus a lot and I usually take the stairs, so I'm not going to resolve to work out more. Instead, I resolve to get 7-8 hours of sleep per night. I can't emphasize enough how important sleep is for physical and mental fitness. In fact, I wrote extensively about it here and here if you want to read more.

August: Reflect
I do reflect on my past, present and future a lot. I think reflection is vital to leading a fulfilling life and has contributed to 2013 being such a great year. I really want to keep my life moving in a positive direction without totally driving myself crazy (i.e. making more to-do/goal lists). So I reflected a little more and came up with this: I resolve to unplug for 30 minutes per day (and during mealtimes). Technology is a huge distraction from being in the present moment, and taking a break (meaning no checking text messages or emails) is so important for creativity and general sanity.

September: Write
Over the summer, I was on an ultra-intense schedule where I was weeks ahead on writing posts for my blog because I was traveling so much. When school started that slipped, and I was barely keeping up with my daily posts and sometimes had to skip because of unforseen life events. So in 2014, I resolve to get ahead on my posts by writing a few extras every weekend. This will majorly reduce stress!

October: Relax
Carving out daily time to relax alone or with friends is really important. During midterms and finals and basically the entire academic term, it is really difficult to find time to just kick back on a daily basis. I skipped way too many meals with friends because I wanted to study a little more or go to a meeting for an extra curricular, both of which are important but can be stressful. Therefore, I resolve to do one intentional, completely non-academic thing every day with my friends or on my own. And note: talking to people in line while waiting for coffee and studying in a group doesn't count.

November: Read
As an English major, I read a lot. However, I don't always get to read for pleasure, especially at school. Therefore, I resolve to make time to read for pleasure on the weekends (and hopefully during the week to) during the school year. This is such a good way to unwind before bed or after class and also makes for better writing. Plus, I have a whole bunch of books I got for Christmas that I can't want to read.

December: Give
Philanthropy has always been really important to my family. More than just giving money, but actually doing something. I found that in high school, there were so many opportunities to volunteer for really worthy causes, but in college it can be a little more difficult to find time to give back. This year, I resolve to get involved with volunteer opportunities at my school beyond just what is required for an organization (club, sorority, etc). I always feel so great when I am able to give my time and energy to an important cause. I've been blessed with so many incredible things (both tangible and intangible) in my life, and hope that some small action I take will make someone else's life a little easier.

Cheers to the happiest New Year yet!

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