
I had such a busy weekend (sorry for the lack of posting!). It kicked off on Saturday with all day preparations for a black tie event in the evening. I was extra excited about the getting-ready process as I had booked my first ever appointment at drybar, a blowout-only hair salon.

What a treat.

My experience at the salon was phenomenal! Here's how it went:
After checking in at the reception desk, I was led to a room with about 12 sinks and reclining chairs to get my hair washed. My stylist, Alex, washed, conditioned and massaged my hair. After wringing out most of the water with a towel, he led me over to the actual blowout bar and brought me a glass of water (other drinks for 21 and up!). He asked me to select which hairstyle I wanted from drybar's signature menu. I chose the Cosmo-Tai, but here are all options:

My pick!

The Cosmo

Hot Toddy

Mai Tai


Southern Comfort

Straight Up

After I chose my style, Alex applied volumizing mousse to my hair and turned on the dryer. He styled my hair into big, bouncy curls and then re-curled it with a curling iron so the curls would last all night. Finally, he misted everything with hairspray.

I was so happy with how my hair turned out (bonus: it smelled amazing) that I ended up purchasing a few of the products used: Southern Belle Volumizing Mousse, Money Maker Flexible Hold Hairspray and Detox Dry Shampoo. Here are some of drybar's bestsellers:

Shop them all here.

Anyway, here was my end result- shiny, messy curls that I pinned back on one side:


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