Taking Risks, Finding Happiness

I'll be the first to admit that the last few days have been insanely stressful. Twenty four hours just don't seem like enough time for me to finish everything I need to do and still get to bed at a reasonable hour. The sheer number of things on my to do list are overwhelming- from meetings to homework to social activities, I have barely had time to sit down and just breathe.

And while I often feel like I have a million things up in the air that could come crashing down at any given moment, I'm genuinely so happy. I think this is a result of my moving out of my comfort zone since I got back to campus for fall term.

Toward the end of the summer, I began thinking about trying new things and really taking advantage of my time at school. I still can barely believe I'm a sophomore- freshman orientation seems like it was yesterday! The Type A organized planner in me recently realized that I need to take control of these remaining three years and make the most of them. I have returned to school with the mentality that I am going to try everything (well, most things). I mean, really, what's the worst that could happen?

I'm not going to say it has been easy or that everything I've done has been insanely rewarding. There are some things you've just got to do, right (read: cleaning my room)? I've made mistakes- forgetting I signed up to do something or realizing there was reading due for class or accidentally sleeping through breakfast with a friend because I was so tired from the previous night. While I sometimes feel like a bad club member or a bad friend or a bad student, I know deep down I'm not. I'm simply human.

However, the payoffs I've gotten from taking risks, being occasionally irresponsible and throwing myself into things have been amazing. Fortune favors the brave, no?

Already over the past few weeks I've opened myself up to my new friends and deepened relationships with old ones. I finally feel like I'm spending time with people who really get me. And that's so important not just in college but in life.

I have a friend who once told me that college was all about the relationships you form with other people. I used to think that was an excuse for his not doing homework or something, but now more than ever I realize that my friend was right. While I may sleep a little (okay, a lot) less in order to keep up with my work, I realize that there a lot of people I want to get to know who want to get to know me. I've signed up for clubs I never thought I'd have time for, went through sorority rush even though I was nervous and took classes that seemed extremely challenging. Even though it was scary at first, now I'm involved in new things with new leadership roles, found a sorority full of girls I love and respect and I have grown as a student more than ever.

So, even though I'm not totally qualified to give any advice whatsoever, I will say this- be brave and be yourself! Somehow, things always turn out the way they are meant to be if you follow a healthy combination of your head and your heart. And when things don't turn out the way you hoped they would- because no one gets what they want 100% of the time- somehow everything will end up feeling right if you're true to who you are and what you love. In time, fate will prove that.

Be bold!

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