
Over the last three weeks, I have felt the pressures of school, extra curricular activities and social events slowly close in on me. As a student on the quarter system, this week- Week 7- is something I dread. This week, I have the last of my midterms, some long term essays that I totally should have worked on during weeks 3 and 4, club meetings ( I have time for clubs anymore), sorority semiformal and actual formal and sometimes hanging out with friends. Not that I don't love everything I'm involved in, but can you say 'yikes?!'

Anyway, all of this activity has forced me to compartmentalize my thoughts and intensely focus on one thing at a time. I usually don't like to be so intense, but hey- desperate times call for desperate measures, right? Here are my tips for getting work done when it's crunch time:

  1. Prioritize: Make a list and check things off. You'll spend less time periodically freaking about what you have to do and more time getting things done.
  2. Tune In: Turn on an upbeat song while you make your to do list. Get your mind in the zone (I recommend "Roar" by Katy Perry or "Royals" by Lorde).
  3. Take the Stairs: A quick walk- preferably outside in the fresh air- will get the blood pumping and your brain working. 
  4. Reward Yourself: Take a break every hour or so. Come up with rewards that take about 15-20 minutes. My favorite reward? Painting my nails or making a new playlist. Coming up with rewards you really want make you work more efficiently and also make your to do list a little less daunting.
  5.  Fuel Your Brain: Take 30-60 minutes for a meal with a good friend during your work session. Have a meal with someone who makes you laugh and calms you down. You'll return to your to do list with renewed energy.
And a few don'ts...
  • Don't rely on caffeine: Okay, so maybe I am addicted to coffee (aren't we all!?), but to avoid getting the jitters, drink a glass of water for every cup of coffee (or shot of espresso) you sip. You'll stay hydrated.
  • Don't study with your BFF: Well if you do, make sure you've got some noise-canceling headphones. Make your Buzzfeed/Thought Catalog sessions your break, not an interruption.
  • Don't forget to sleep: Nothing makes me unproductive like lack of sleep. Get those 7(ish)-9(ish) hours. If you have trouble sleeping, you can read my post about it here.
Happy Thursday! It's almost the weekend! (Yippee!)

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