Required Reading & Rome Update

Confession: Before I arrived in Rome, I not only overestimated not only how much time I would have to post, but also how much time I would want to spend posting. So for the past 4 weeks, my blog has been a series of random updates and excuses as to why I haven't been posting. In reality, I simply haven't wanted to devote an hour or more per day to writing.

This blog has always been my creative outlet- a side project that I didn't want to be stressful, but instead a place to share what I love and what inspires me.  During my first month in Rome, I wanted to soak it all in and explore, so I took a break from Prose, Pearls & Polka Dots.

And during that time, it felt great. 

But now that things have settled down, I am going to try to post a little more often when inspiration strikes me. However, while I am studying abroad my main priority is to soak it all in. And let me tell you- there is a lot to explore and experience.

I will be posting some more in-depth updates about the trip, but today I have some articles I have been reading to share for "Required Reading."

Note: This week's "Required Reading" won't feature the normal categories of what I post, but will be a compilation of different favorite things I have read online. 

1. For anyone who has, will or is studying abroad, this list of tips is helpful and mostly applicable to making the most of your trip. Especially number 15!

2. I am legitimately paranoid when it comes to sunscreen. When I was a sophomore in high school I went to an outdoor music concert in a tank top and forgot to reapply sunscreen to my shoulders. What seemed like months of peeling and redness later, the burn recovered but I still have a smattering of freckles across my shoulders. Now that spring has arrived, applying sunscreen all over is very important. Read this guide for head-to-toe protection.

3. I have been eating so much great pasta in Italy. What makes it stand out is just how well it is cooked- slightly al dente, but not too firm. When preparing pasta at home, follow these tips to get the perfect texture every time.

4. Now Smell This and The Olfactorialist are two blogs I consult whenever I'm looking for a new perfume. They recently came in handy lately when a perfume I had turned a strange color and started smelling strange- turns out I've been storing my perfume incorrectly (aka displaying them on my bedside table) all along. Follow these tips to make your scents last long and smell great.

5. One of my favorite websites is The Coveteur. Dedicated to following the lives fashion's biggest names, The Coveteur gives readers a peak into the closets of stylists, profiles new designers and highlights all things chic. This article about Grace Coddington of Vogue's birthday is phenomenal as is this look into make up artist Lisa Eldrige's home.

6. Finally, I have been recently loving theSkimm. My wifi hasn't been the most consistent while in Rome and my mornings start much earlier, so I haven't had as much time to peruse NYT right when I get up (thankfully since downloading the mobile version of the paper, I've been able to read it at lunch). However, for my morning informing, theSkimm is perfect. Monday through Friday, I get an email with important news stories even some fashion and entertainment updates. It's written very conversationally and is great for right when I get up in the morning. 

Happy Monday!

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