Rebranding: Prose, Pearls and Polka Dots Gets a Facelift

As you have probably noticed, Prose, Pearls & Polka Dots looks completely different these days. Gone are the chalkboard banner, floral print background and swirly font. I had been thinking about the switch for some time when I realized the blog you see and the blog I see are not at all the same. In fact, I really only see the content creator and layout editing pages. I rarely look at the aesthetics of my blog from a reader's perspective. But one day, I was checking to make sure a post uploaded as scheduled and I realized the blog didn't look so great. It looked DIY in a not-so-chic kind of way. When I first created the blog, that was enough for me! This was my homemade blog! But as I've gained some readership, I realized the blog's design could and should better reflect its content. So, I created a secret board on Pinterest titled "Rebranding" filled with things that reminded me of, well, me! It's funny how streamlined the board turned out- I really do have a consistent style. I tried to incorporate my favorite things into the new banner and updated the background to a sleek white. I'm really happy with how the new design turned out- it looks pretty professional for someone who doesn't have any formal coding experience or photoshop training! Here's what inspired me to make the change:

Hope you like it!

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